About Us
Data Privacy Brasil is an organization that was born from the union between a school and a civil association to promote a culture of data protection and digital rights in Brazil and around the world.

Founded in 2018, Data Privacy Brasil Ensino emerged as a space to disseminate and innovate knowledge about privacy and data protection in the country. With content adapted to a more practical language, with exercises and case studies, this is a school for all those who are interested and want to delve deeper into the rich themes of privacy, data protection, and new technologies.
The Data Privacy Brasil Research Association is a non-profit, non-partisan civil society organization that promotes the protection of personal data and other fundamental rights from a perspective of social justice and power asymmetries.
As of 2023, the two institutions will join forces to form a single organization, maintaining the same principles and activities. With the support of a multidisciplinary team, we provide training, events, certifications, consultancy, multimedia content, public interest research, and civic audits to promote rights in a data-driven society marked by asymmetries and injustices. Through education, awareness-raising, and mobilization of society, we aim for a democratic society where technologies are at the service of people’s autonomy and dignity.
Inform, disseminate and innovate knowledge on privacy, data protection and new technologies.
Become the main center of reference in privacy, data protection and new technologies in Brazil.
Theoretical and practical knowledge: complete learning needs to have an approach that combines theoretical and practical knowledge. We prepare our students to design innovative solutions and projects in an economy and society driven by data.
Student as protagonist: in our classes, the student is the protagonist and collaborator in the production of knowledge and, in the end, will have full autonomy to apply it in their respective activities.
Excellence content: without hiding the game. That’s our mantra. Commitment to presenting state-of-the-art case discussions, theories and approaches in privacy and personal data protection.
Accessible language: neither legalese nor technicalese. The vocabulary of the courses is democratic to allow access to professionals with the most different backgrounds and distinct profiles.

He holds a PhD in Commercial Law and a Master’s in Civil Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (USP). In the academic field, he was a study visitor at the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the Department of Personal Data Protection of the Council of Europe (CoE), as well as a visiting researcher at the Research Center for Law, Technology and Society of the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa. He is the author of the books “Personal Data Protection: The Function and Limits of Consent” and “Regulation and Data Protection: The Principle of Accountability, as well as the organizer of several books, such as “Data Protection: Context, Narratives, and Founding Elements.” He was a member of the Federal Senate Commission of Jurists on Artificial Intelligence, of the Study Committee on Digital Integrity and Transparency on Internet Platforms of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), and was co-chair of the Task Force focused on Inclusive Digital Transformation of T20. He is currently a member of the National Data Protection Council (CNPD), appointed as a member among representatives of civil society organizations, and a professor at ESPM and IDP-SP. He is the Founding Director of Data Privacy Brasil, a space where a school of courses and a research association in the area of privacy and data protection intersect.

Co-director of Data Privacy Brasil. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). He holds a PhD from the Institute of Energy and Environment of USP, with training at the Institute of Information Law of the University of Amsterdam. He has a Master’s degree in Law and Political Economy from the University of Turin. He has a Master’s degree in Philosophy and General Theory of Law from the Law School of USP. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the State University of Maringá. He was a member of the Vulnera group at the Free University of Brussels and was a visiting researcher on platforms and digital economy at The New School. He edited the books “Sharing economies and law” (Juruá, 2017) and “Data, digital markets and competition” (Casa do Direito, 2022). He is the author of “Collective protection of personal data in Brazil: vectors of interpretation” (Letramento, 2023).

Co-director of Data Privacy Brasil. A lawyer with a degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), with training in social project management and public policies from SENAC-SP, she has worked in the third sector since 2014 with themes of human rights, digital justice, data protection and governance. She worked as a research and advocacy advisor at the Legal Reference Center of ARTICLE 19 Brasil, was a research consultant for the Alianza por la Libre Expresión e Información and has been a member of Data Privacy Brasil since March 2019. At Data, she was the leader of the Privacy and Data Protection Observatory project, project coordinator and institutional development coordinator. In July 2023, she took over as co-director of the organization. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in philosophy, with a focus on data and digital societies, at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.

Master and PhD candidate in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), graduated in Social Communication with a specialization in Public Relations from the University of Salvador (Unifacs) and in Social Work from UFBA. As a researcher, she is part of the group linked to the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT.DD), the research group Communication, Internet and Democracy (CID/UFBA) and is a member of the Study, Research, and Extension Group on Public Communication, Social Assistance, and Social Work at the University of Brasília (Compass/UnB). She has experience in the intersection between communication, politics, and digital technologies, with a focus on research, strategic analysis, project development, data strategy and planning. At Data Privacy Brasil, she is the coordinator of Digital Platforms and Markets.

PhD in Social Sciences from UNESP Araraquara and Master in International Relations from the San Tiago Dantas Postgraduate Program (UNESP – UNICAMP – PUC/SP). She was a fellow at the School of Internet Governance (EGI) at CGI.br, ICANN Next Gen and Youth @ IGF. She has been researching global Internet governance since 2016, a researcher at the Data Privacy Brasil Association since 2020 and area coordinator since 2023.

Bachelor and Master in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He carries out research in the area of personal data protection and profiling. Researcher at the Persona research group and Academic Coordinator of Data Privacy Brasil.

Lawyer and sociologist. PhD candidate in State Theory and Constitutional Law (PUC-Rio). Master in Sociology and Anthropology (PPGSA/UFRJ). Research on the intersection between personal data protection and public power, especially in the area of security and surveillance. Researcher at Núcleo Legalité; previously, he was a researcher at the Digital Studies Laboratory (LED/UFRJ). Coordinator of Asymmetries and Power at Data Privacy Brasil since 2023, researcher at Data since 2020.

Research fellow 2022-2023 at Institute of Cooperative Digital Economy (ICDE) at The New School, NY. Ph.D. candidate in Communication and Culture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Master of Science in Information Science from the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT). Bachelor of Social Communication with a major in Public Relations from the University of São Paulo (USP). Was a senior researcher of the Media Team at the Institute for Technology and Society (ITS Rio). Has a background in digital marketing, growth hacking, data analysis, social media management, content production, event organization, and press relations. In higher education, he has worked as a professor, researcher, and academic coordinator. Is the Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Data Privacy Brasil.

Born in Belém do Pará, she has a degree in journalism and a postgraduate degree in Communication and Digital Strategies in Organizations. She has worked in journalistic editorial offices and news agencies and has experience with reporting, podcast promotion and distribution, press relations, and social media. At Data, she works as a press and mobilization advisor.

Graduated in Graphic Design from Centro Universitário Senac, Bárbara has been working since 2021 on several social impact projects in the third sector, in the area of education and digital environment. She has experience in content production, layout, video editing, educational actions and creation of visual materials for social networks and institutional presentations. She has been a designer at Data since November 2024.

Undergraduate in Law from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Participated in the Youth (CGI.br), Leaders 2.0 (LACNIC) and IDP Privacy Lab (CEDIS-IDP) programs. Research in the areas of Law and the Internet, with a focus on public policies, favelas and urban communities, Internet governance and artificial intelligence. Junior Researcher of Digital Platforms and Markets.

She graduated in Law from the University of Brasília (UnB). She works on the topics of digital rights, technological regulation, data protection and self-determination, with professional experience in the public, private and third sectors. She was an assistant to the General Inspection Coordination of the National Data Protection Authority. She has been a researcher at the Data Privacy Brasil Association since January 2024.

Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Researcher at Data Privacy Brasil, having been part of the team since 2019, she has worked mainly on investigations into the use of personal data by public authorities and public transparency. She is currently a member of the Asymmetries and Power team and is dedicated to projects that relate to data protection, public transparency and climate justice.

Born in Vitória da Conquista, in the interior of Bahia, and currently living in Salvador, she has a degree in Graphic Design from AMPLI Pitágoras and has been a designer for ten years. Her extensive experience in agencies brings learnings and skills in creative direction, editing and treatment of photography, illustration, social media, ads design, and layout. In 2020, she studied Multimedia Arts at Faculdade de Lisboa, where she began studying animation and 3D modeling, as well as drawing and painting, activities that she still explores in her free time. Her work is guided by strong colors, symmetry and symbolism. She enjoys listening to music while working and among her main inspirations are visits to museums, cinema and fashion.

Graduated in Marketing and specialized in Digital Communication, with courses focused on Social Media and Inbound Marketing. She developed a career in the Marketing sphere, actively participating in promotional campaigns, social media management, and the implementation of Inbound strategies. Trajectory focused on the intersection between marketing and technology, with an emphasis on innovation and obtaining results.

Graduated in Journalism and Audiovisual from the University of Brasília (UnB), he has covered topics related to technology and data protection since 2016. Within Data Privacy Brasil, he was one of those responsible for the LGPD Memory of the Privacy and Data Protection Observatory and is a producer from the Dadocracia podcast.

Ph.D. and master’s degree in Political Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She holds a Teaching Degree in Political and Administrative Science from the Central University of Venezuela. She is a researcher at the Center for Studies and Research on Women NEPEM/UFMG, and the author of the dissertation: “State has not given us any presents: Processes of institutionalizing demands from Afro-descendant movements in Brazil, Venezuela, and Ecuador.” Throughout her professional career, she has worked on important research in the field of human rights, racial equality policies, and policies for women in Latin America.Latin.

Graduated in Journalism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Former member of MediaLab.UFRJ, an experimental and transdisciplinary laboratory (PIBIC/CNPq). She developed a professional career with an emphasis on Press Office and Customer Service, some of these professional experiences in the third sector. She is interested in the area of contemporary transformations and their relationships with data and technologies. At Data Privacy Brasil, she has been an Educommunication Analyst since October 2024.

PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and a master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the same university. She participated in the Youth Program and the School of Internet Governance in Brazil (CGI.br). She has experience in the areas of digital anthropology and political science, working on topics related to human-machine interaction, extremism and artificial intelligence. She is a researcher at the Data Privacy Brazil Research Association, in the line of Governance and Regulation.

Bachelor in Accounting from Universidade Paulista, certified in Tax Management and Tax Tax Planning. His career is developed in the Financial and Planning area, and Financial Market, participated in implementation projects in the Financial and Processes and Financial Planning area. He is a Senior Financial Analyst at Associação Data Privacy Brasil de Pesquisa and at Data Privacy Brasil Ensino since February 2022.

Master in Law and Innovation and Bachelor in Law (UFJF). He participated in the NextGen (ICANN), Youth (CGI.br), Leaders 2.0 (LACNIC) and Junior Fellowship (Cet.la) programs, in addition to being an alumnus of the School of Internet Governance (EGI). He is co-coordinator of the Working Group on Meaningful Connectivity and Community Networks at ISOC Brazil and a member of the Coordination Center of the Internet Governance Research Network (REDE). He is interested in the intersections between law, political economy, Internet governance and telecommunications. Researcher of Governance and Regulation at Data Privacy Brasil.

Graduated in Law and LLM in Banking Law from the Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público (FMP); Erasmus+ at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL-PT); MBA in Cybersecurity from the Paulista Faculty of Informatics and Administration (FIAP). Certified in Privacy and Data Protection by Data Privacy Brasil and in Intellectual Property by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). He has worked as a Commercial and New Business Consultant at Data Privacy Brasil since January 2024.

Master’s degree in Law from UFMG and a Law degree from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He is a researcher at the Data Privacy Brasil Research Association, where he develops research, advocacy and scientific communication in Data courses and at Clube Data. He also composes the production of the Dadocracia podcast.

Graduated in Social Communication with specialization in Publicity and Propaganda from UNIFACS (Salvador University), with experience in advertising agencies and digital marketing. He has worked as a social media writer and analyst for clients across a wide range of industries, focusing on content planning and production. He has managed the social networks of Data Privacy Brasil since February 2020.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) and is currently completing a specialization in Anthropology and Media, Internet and Globalization from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). He also works as a researcher at the Observatory of Foreign Policy and Brazilian International Insertion at UFABC under the Security, Defense and Grand Strategy WG. With interests in the areas of Project Management, Privacy and Data Protection, International Education and Technopolitics, he is currently the Community Manager at Data.

Graduated in Human Resources Management from Anhembi Morumbi University (São Paulo/SP), in addition to specialization courses in Business Management, Strategic Negotiation, Corporate Finance, Coaching in Emotional Intelligence, and High Performance Mindset. His career has developed in the area of human resources and people management, working on implementation projects in the HR/PEOPLE area with a focus on technology, innovation, and management. He has been an administrative analyst at the Data Privacy Brasil Research Association and at Data Privacy Brasil Ensino since November 2023.

Master in Social Change and Political Participation and a degree in Public Policy Management from the School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities (EACH) at the University of São Paulo (USP). Interdisciplinary academic production, mainly on issues related to the military dictatorship, the permanent state of exception, and democracy. Member of the research groups: Studies in Body and Art (ECOAR) and the Center for Research and Production in Audiovisual (NUPEPA), both linked to USP. Currently, he is a researcher on Asymmetries and Power at Data Privacy Brasil and a focal point for the Working Group on Surveillance, Platformization and Data Protection of the Coalition for Rights on the Internet (CDR).